Depression Readings

A lot of us struggle with the world and ourselves. Sometimes it's more severe and we can't see the positivity in our lives and our value to others anymore.

These readings are for those who need a light in the dark. When doing readings while struggling with depression you might tend to only acknowledge the downsides and darker meanings of the cards. Letting someone else perform a reading can be of help to shift your perception.

These readings will always be low priced to support people in need. Please refrain from abusing this service, most of all you would harm those who are already suffering. 

The reading and number of cards will depend on your situation and needs and will be discussed via email or direct messages.

Regular Price: 1-5 USD

Readings available: 5/5

If you're interested in a reading, contact us via carnam.ilinga(a) or on our Discord.

This service is no treatment or substitute for a treatment. Please see a health professional if you're worried about your health.


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