Samhain Event


Entering the darker cycle of the year we are holding a small event and celebration to introduce our THSL exclusive species.

The Hrilvangir are an extraterrestrial humanoid species with lots of ties and connections. Some may consider them another Star Seed species regarding their influence throughout time and space. You can find some basic information about them here: The Hrilvangir Custom Conjures. Their listing prices will be discounted until the end of the event.

Some preconjured Hrilvangir companions can be found here: The Hrilvangir Preconjures.
If you're curious about them you can have a channeled chat with them on our Discord server! They also chose different pictures on Discord they identify themselves with.

If you're currently struggling with your finances the Event Joker from the Event Listings might help! You could save up to 30 USD with a bit of luck. For more detailed information follow the link to the listings. There's also a special offer for a limited conjure performed with my patron deity on the Samhain new moon.

The listing for the Bone & Charm reading hasn't gone up on the website yet, but if you've been around the Creepy Hollows forum for a bit, you might have read about this service or were even lucky to grab a free reading.
I'll be offering two slots for this reading for 40 USD until the end of October! Just mail me at carnam.ilinga(a)

Additionally there'll be some slots for Samhain surprise conjures available until the 25th of October! You can find the listing here: Samhain Special Surprise Conjure.

The event will end on November 1st 2022.


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