
This site is for entertainment purposes only.

By visiting this site you confirm, that you're age 18+. We don't provide services for minors.

I do not give any sort of medical advice, if you're dealing with any health issues, please see a professional in your area.

I am not responsible for any actions, which may have been done as reaction to one of my services. My readings aren't to be seen as sort of advice, which may lead to selfharm, harm of others or illegal actions.

Once a service has been performed, no refunds shall be issued. A reading is what it is, no matter if you like the outcome or not.

I am not responsible for any paranormal activity, which may occur after getting in contact with me. I don't do hexes, curses or any kind of manipulative magic.

Media like pictures on this site are either my property or part of the provided Blogger template. Don't use any of it without legal permission.

For further questions feel free to get in contact via carnam.ilinga(a)hotmail.com or contact me on my Discord.


Imprint: Sabine Grosser, Kleiststr. 11, D-63500 Seligenstadt, Germany

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