Tarot & Oracle Readings

If you're interested in a reading, contact us via carnam.ilinga(a)hotmail.com or on our Discord. Especially if you don't think any of the readings below are what you're looking for.

Your reading will be provided via PDF. We accept PayPal as only payment method at the moment.


First of all: What are Tarot and Oracle Readings? What do those provide?

Most people seek out the help of an oracle or divination, if they feel lost and/or helpless in their situation. They can't see, what's hindering them from accomplishing what they strive for. To get a reading done is a simple way to ask for help from other sources or even your own subconsious mind. 

A reading does not actively influence your circumstances, but it gives you information to do so conciously or subconciously. Therefore a reading shows what can or could happen. It can help you recognize obstacles, blockades or toxic influences and behaviours you're not fully aware of. It is not a promise of healing or a magical practice to solve all your problems. It won't help you to win the lottery. But it can help you to challenge tough situations with helpful insights.

Seasonal Oracles and Readings

Every season bears their own magic and mystery. 

Find out more by choosing a listing below.

Rauchnaechte Tarot Reading

Litha Fae Draw

Mabon Reading




Shadow Aspects

Need some help to face your inner demons?

Blind Spot Reading



One Card Draws


Full Moon Draw

Capture The Moment


Spicy One


Threads of Fate

Readings for those feeling lost.


Depression Readings


Stepping Stones


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