Rauhnaechte Reading

The Rauhnaechte or Rauchnaechte are part of old European folklore. They are described as the eleven days and twelve nights after Christmas, but their origin is way older and rooted in heathen beliefs.

Those days and nights are considered to lay between the worlds, as the year of the moon only consits of 354 days, while the year of the sun counts 365 days. Those days in between are called dead days, days of rest and contemplation. They've always been seen as a time for oracles and divination, sending information about the upcoming year through the thin veil and on the back of the spirits and furry demons chasing through our world in winter.

A lot of old rituals are still alive in modern New Years Eve traditions like pouring wax for divination or making noise with bells and fireworks to chase demons away.

This reading is special, as it is performed throughout all of the eleven days and twelve nights, starting on the Winter Solstice, the darkest night of the year.

I'll perform a small ritual every day, drawing one card from a deck with a message for each month of the upcoming year.

You'll recieve two PDF files, each one covering the reading for six months. This way I can provide you with the given information for January before the whole reading is completed.

Regular Price: 120 USD

Readings available: 3/3

If you're interested in a reading, contact us via carnam.ilinga(a)hotmail.com or on our Discord.

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